Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More to Blog

Other blogs that have morphed:

{Comments to Entice}
A New Year. A New Blog.

{The State Down Under}
There's more to Florida than Vitamin C...
A New Year. A New Blog.

{Looks and Outlooks of Hernando County FL}
There's more than what you might expect...
A New Year. A New Blog.

There are no pictures.
There are no sounds.
It's the words that pursue me.

john thrasher against Democracy

How annoying it is to receive not only one but TWO of those “Signature and Petition Revocation Notices” from the “honorable” john thrasher. The man is so persistent in his attempt to get me to REVOKE my signature that I had purposely placed on the petition for an Amendment to Florida’s Constitution to put the direction of responsible growth in the hands of those most affected, existing property owners.

The opening line, “This is a extremely…” may demonstrate a lack of intelligence toward proper grammar. I returned the front page asking him to correct and return the form with expedient delivery. At that time I will truly not consider signing and submitting his PETITION REVOCATION FORM.

Many newspapers throughout Florida have called his attempt to undermine the rights of voters by providing false or misleading information in his “Signature and Petition Revocation Notice”.

Nowhere in his “letter” does he mention the Florida Hometown Democracy initiative to be voted on by Florida voters.

The last sentence on the first page reads, “The tactics used to get you to sign their petition are deceptive.” HIS tactic to get me to revoke my decision to freely sign the petition is not only deceptive; it’s downright disgusting because he is what some may call a “goon of a lobbyist” for the building industry. I have no doubt the guy is paid very, very, very well to promote special interest groups determined to build, build, build on every available piece of land in Florida.

The man jeopardizes the financial security of every Florida homeowner by promoting uncontrolled growth along the coasts of the state. With every new high-rise, we will all take on the debt of paying for the rich and affluent to reside in luxury, while Citizens Insurance liabilities become our responsibility.

I returned his second URGENT request with notes that read:

“grammatical error”
“an extremely..” (I gave him a hint, which he doesn’t deserve, and circled the error)
“please correct”
“feel free to use Spell Check and resubmit for further consideration”

I returned the envelope, and page one only with the suggested correction, and added the word URGENT below the words FIRST CLASS that was stamped in red at the corner to the right of the addressee PETITION REVOCATION DEPARTMENT.

The envelope was labeled BUSINESS REPLY MAIL.